內容/備註 |
The development of RF/microwave transistors went almost unnoticed until early
1980’s because, unlike Si VLSI, there were no mass consumer markets for such devices.
Most applications for RF/microwave transistors had been military or exotic scientific
projects. Recently, this has been changed drastically due to the explosive growth in
the civil wireless communications and internets. This talk covers the evolution and
current status of semiconductor devices for RF/microwave electronics systems. Impor-
tant background, development and major milestones leading to modern RF/microwave tr-
ansistors are first presented. This is followed by the discussions of the concept of
heterostructure, a feature used frequently in RF/microwave devices.Different transi-
stor types, including Si-, III-V-, and wide bandgap-based devices, and their figures
of merit are then addressed. Finally the outlooks of RF/microwave semiconductor de-
vices and their future applications are given. |