Name (in chinese): 陳銘哲
Name (in English): Chen, Ming-Che (Jerry)
職稱: 助理教授
研究室: J304
分機: 3156
學歷 (Education):
簡歷 (Biography):
Ming-Che Chen (陳銘哲) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, in 2003 and 2006, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in computer and communication engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2014. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. He has worked as an engineer for research and development of industrial Internet of Things (IoT) in the Information and Communications Research Laboratories (ICRL) of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Southern Taiwan Innovation & Research Park, MOEA, since 2014. In May 2018, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Tainan, Taiwan, as a Postdoctual Fellow and an Adjunct Assistant Professor. His present research interests are in Artificial Intelligence over Internet of Things (AIoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cloud-based Application System Design, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Wireless Networks. He is a member of the IEEE Consumer Electronic Society.
專長及研究領域 (Research interests):
專利 (Patents):
專利名稱 區域 專利型式 參與作者 申請日期 生效日期
頭皮檢測裝置系統及其運作方法 國內 發明專利 陳銘哲、張萬榮、邱義展 2022-08-26 2022-08-26
跌倒偵測裝置系統及其偵測跌倒事件的方法 國內 發明專利 張萬榮、陳銘哲、許家豪、蘇健平、楊子進、李遠龍、涂御倫 2021-01-01 2021-01-01
會議論文 (Proceedings):
  1. 陳銘哲、林俊源、程珈翔、張萬榮, "運用Unity 3D技術之沉浸式遠距教學協作平台," 2022, 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 台南
  2. 陳銘哲、張萬榮、方奕凱, "智慧環境粉塵偵測與追蹤系統," 2022, 2022中華民國系統科學與工程研討會(NSSSE2022) 台中
  3. 陳銘哲、周盈年、陳奕文、洪聯強, "運用機器學習之PP共擠壓保護膜層比分析系統," 2022, 2022第20屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會 澎湖
  4. Wan-Jung Chang, Ming-Che Chen, Tsung-Sheng Cheng, Chia-Hao Hsu, Jian-Ping Su, Shih-Hsiung Lee, Yang-Kun Ou, "ThermalPose: A Real-Time 2D Human Skeleton Recognition System Using Thermal Imaging," 2022, 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 大阪
  5. Tsung-Sheng Cheng, Yen Chun Lin, Wei ji Lin, Ming-Che Chen, "A smart pillbox for increasing user's medication adherence," 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW) 台北
  6. Ming-Che Chen, Ming-Shun Wang, Wan-Jung Chang, Tsung-Sheng Cheng, "iDispensing: A Deep Learning-Based Dispensing Medicine Recognition System," 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW) 台北
  7. Yu-Chen Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Cheng-Han Tsai, Ming-Che Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, and Wen-Jeng Wu, "iVoiding: A Thermal-Image based Artificial Intelligence Dynamic Voiding Detection System," 2022, The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC 2022) 濟州島
  8. Aaron Raymond See, Jolo Gerard Miel Tolentino, Bhuvanut Duangsasidhorn, Wan Jung Chang, Yang-Kun Ou, Ming-Che Chen, "Boosting Resnet18 for a Smart Glasses Input Module to Control a 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm," 2022, 40th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2022) Las Vegas, NV
  9. Ming-Che Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Yu-Xiang Xiao, Zi-Xuan Zhang, Yi-Chan Chiu, and Jian-Ping Su, "A Hair Volume Analysis System Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Technologies," 2021, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan) 澎湖
  10. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Ming-Che Chen, and Tzu-Chin Yang, "A Fall Risk Prediction System Based on 3D Space Human Skeleton Torso Images," 2021, 39th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE2021) virtual conference
  11. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Yu Lin , Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, and Yang-Kun Ou, "A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Anti-Collision System for Car Door," 2020, 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) Kobe City
  12. Wan-Jung Chang, Ching-Hsiang Yang, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Ping Su, and Liang-Bi Chen, "An Intelligent Maintenance and R epair Informing System Using Machine Learning Techniques for Solar Power Generation Equipment," 2020, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan) 桃園
  13. Wan-Jung Chang, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Jian-Ping Su, and Ming-Che Chen, "A Wearable Devices-Based Ho me Sports Recording System for Health Management," 2020, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan) 桃園
補助計畫 (Funding):
專案類型 專案案名 起始日期 總金額
教育部計畫 科技大學推動深耕專業技術研發及人才培育計畫(第五年) 2022-07-06 $ 1,038,000
產學計畫 人工智慧層比分析管理平台開發計畫 2021-11-01 $ 630,000
產學計畫 AI 智慧腹膜透析監控裝置開發計畫 2021-10-15 $ 600,000
政府計畫 科技大學推動深耕專業技術研發及人才培育計畫(第四年) 2021-08-01 $ 590,000
政府計畫 110年度智慧晶片應用與聯網技術課程推廣計畫 2021-08-01 $ 533,334
產學計畫 人工智慧藥品影像訓練樣本標記服務計畫 2021-06-01 $ 500,000
產學計畫 Unity3D 手機 APP 開發 2021-02-01 $ 80,000
產學計畫 AI頭皮檢測與管理整合資訊平台擴充功能開發計畫 2020-09-01 $ 700,000
產學計畫 AI應用程式教學服務計畫 2020-09-01 $ 50,000
產學計畫 AI藥品辨識技術開發計畫 2020-09-01 $ 590,000
教育部計畫 科技大學推動深耕專業技術研發及人才培育計畫(第三年) 2020-08-01 $ 300,000
證照 (License):
證照類別 發照機關 證照編號 取得年度
Certificate in EMI Skills (English as a Medium of Instruction)其他相關證照 Cambridge English Language Assessment 2022
JETSON AI Ambassador其他相關證照 NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute 2021